Tarajah's Personal Fitness Program

Step 1-Desire

I desire to have a toner body. Increasing my flexibility and muscular endurance.

Step 2-Belief

I believe that taking this fitness&conditioning class would motivate me to be more active.

Step 3-Analyze Where You At

I weigh 118 pounds.

Step 4-Step Realistic Goals

By June 1st I want to average tone body.

Step 5-Write Your Goals In Detail

To accomplish my goal I need to do 3 sets 5 situps on Tuesdays & Thursdays and on Mondays & Wednesdays do 3 sets 5 bicep curls.

Step 6-List The Benefits You Will Recieve

I will be more active and more confident on how my body image looks.

Step 7-Identify Obstacles

Eating unhealthy , being inactive and don't have the right desire.

Step 8-Identify Knowledge You Will Need

I need the desire within my inner-self.

Step 9-Make A Plan of Action

Starting May 1st , I will do 3 sets 5 bicep curls

Step 10-Develop A Timeline

Week 1-
Week 2-
Week 3-
Week 4-
Week 5-
Week 6-

Step 11-Monitor Your Progress

I will monitor my progress at the end of each week.

Step 12-Never Give Up

I will never give up until I increase my flexibility and muscular endurance.